A HUGE thank you goes to Cara Fox, owner of The Little Golden Fox in Madison, IN- who has diligently sold my pins and been very supportive of our adoption. Visit her Facebook page for some cute handmade crafts, and tell her Hannah sent ya!
So what has been up since January, 2012?
By June, we had been on the adoption waitlist for a child from Ethiopia for a year, and we were told to expect quite a bit longer to wait after many governmental changes in the adoption process (both US and Ethiopia). After much prayer, and some meetings about domestic adoption, we decided that although the need is great in Ethiopia, we could not invest that much more time on an international program, when we could help a child in the United States much quicker.
We finished a domestic home study in 8 days, thankfully we had a lot of the paperwork done from our international dossier. We were matched with a birth mother the week of Thanksgiving, and the baby is due any day now. I decided to keep up the blog while we are out of state so friends and family can keep up with what is going on.
Now we pray: for a healthy delivery, and for the amazing, brave young lady that chose life and adoption for her child! Updates to come when baby arrives!
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